Hotel conditions

General booking and cancellation conditions Hotelklik a.s. Spindleruv Mlyn

Service orders
For each order of services made by the client (hereinafter referred to as the customer), the hotel will issue a written confirmation of the order, which specifies in particular the scope of the ordered services. The hotel always requires confirmation by the customer. In the case of group, group and company events, the person confirming the order of services expressly declares that he is authorized to act on behalf of the company or firm – the client. Any risk related to this point is borne by the customer. The Client undertakes to resolve any complaints about the quality or scope of services provided by the hotel immediately without delay with the responsible representative of the hotel so that the hotel can ensure the possible correction of the above facts, or comment on these facts. Any subsequent complaints that were not resolved during the event may not be accepted by the hotel. The hotel director or sales manager is entitled to act on behalf of the hotel in this matter.

Accommodation guarantee
The hotel guarantees the reservation on the basis of a written confirmation of the reservation issued by it. Written confirmation of the reservation is usually issued on the basis of a binding written order of the customer. Unless otherwise stated, the hotel is entitled to request a deposit for the services provided, payable before the start date. The amount of the deposit and its due date is stated on the invoice. If the deposit is not paid to the hotel by the due date, the hotel considers the reservation to be canceled, without refund. The hotel guarantees accommodation on the day of arrival until 18:00 local time. After this date, the hotel is entitled to offer accommodation capacity to another interested party. In case of prior information, the booking time can be extended by agreement.

Range of services
The hotel undertakes to provide services according to the order confirmation to the extent and quality appropriate to the standard and quality classification of the hotel and at the prices stated in the order confirmation.

Cancellation policy
The client is obliged to always make all changes to the reservation or cancellation by email and this change or cancellation must be confirmed by the hotel.
In case the guest cancels the confirmed reservation, the hotel is entitled to charge the following cancellation fees:

Up to 31 days before arrival – 0%
From 30 to 1 day and on the day of arrival 100% of the price of accommodation and other ordered services, specified in the written order confirmation.

In cases worthy of special attention, the hotel may waive the cancellation fees or reduce their amount by agreement.
Any shortening of the length of stay, or non-exhaustion of some ordered services (in case of the possibility of their use) is not a reason for refunding part of the payment for the ordered services, unless otherwise agreed.

Payment Terms
Unless otherwise stated, the hotel requires payment of the services provided in cash no later than the day of arrival. The hotel also accepts credit cards. For group and group events, the hotel requires payment for the booked services no later than 45 days before the stay. If the possibility of payment by invoice is agreed with the hotel in the written confirmation of the reservation, the hotel issues an invoice to the customer for the provided services within 3 days after the event and sets the invoice due date to 14 days from the date of issue. . After this date, the hotel is entitled to charge interest of 0.1% of the total amount for each day of delay. In the event that the amount due is not paid within the given deadline, the hotel may assign the receivable for recovery. If the guest requests payment in a foreign currency accepted by the hotel, the daily exchange rate at the hotel’s currency exchange is considered decisive. When determining the price of services in the written confirmation of the reservation in a currency other than CZK / USD, EURO /, which represents the foreign exchange conversion of prices in CZK using the announced purchase rate of the bank with which the hotel has a foreign currency account, the risk is set at 5%.

If the set exchange rate risk limit is exceeded when the exchange rate of CZK against EURO is exceeded, the landlord has the right to change the price for the services provided.